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Data wystawy

23 Lipca - 3 Sierpnia 2021 roku

M.A.D.S art gallery strona artystki

Wystawa w galerii sztuki w Mediolanie

Wystawa w Mediolanie była dla mnie czymś zupełnie nowym! Jednak kto nie ryzykuje ten nie pije szampana. Jako artystka wiem, że sztuka nowoczesna tym bardziej abstrakcyjna należy do największych dzieł polemiki oraz krytyki. W momencie kiedy odezwała się do mnie kuratorka z galerii mówiąc, że jest pod wrażeniem moich prac i chce zaprosić mnie na wystawę sztuki pt. Paraiso. Zaniemówiłam. To jedna z najlepszych galerii na  świecie wysoko oceniana, dodatkowo cechująca się odejściem od proform obrazu wiszącego na ścianie a zastąpienie innowacją XXI wieku. 

Wystawa w Mediolanie z trzema obrazami

Silver moon

Color transitions 

Best laid shemes

Anna Emilia Misiak

For the international exhibition “Paraíso” at the M.A.D.S. Art Gallery Anna Emilia Misiak exposes three works with a strong structural and coloristic value: through “Best Laid Shemes”, “Color Transitions” e “Silver Moon” the artist's vision and aesthetic conception clearly emerge. She transforms objective nature and the surrounding reality in her personal poetic and acute artistic sensitivity. There is a dynamic evolution in her paintings: it manifests itself through the innate perspective relief, the vivid color, the vibrant light and the immediacy of visual perception. Relative objectivity coincides with absolute subjectivity, highlighting details and tonalities in a universal ethos of perceptual sensations and an infinite range of color gradations. She succeeds in creating a path that starts from that unique relationship between the painter and her work, with the aim of discovering and emphasizing the structure of the matter, making it a tangible artwork. By calculating the compositional balance, she tries try to make the characteristics of the surface shine as much as possible.Her interest is not based on geometrical shapes to be represented, but she focuses on the diversification and the use of different elements to display a complete work, especially in terms of texture and color, trying to safeguard the overall harmony of the image. By improvising on the wave of emotions with an unparalleled spontaneity, Anna Emilia allows the pictorial matter to become the true protagonist on each canvas. Passions, tensions and sensations emerge in a completely spontaneous way, outside any preconceived scheme: as if the artist manages to express with their own message the textures, the tonal nuances and the consistency of the material on the artwork. It is a kind of art which is driven by an expressiveness and an immediate gesture that goes beyond the traditional conception of painting. The experimentation with this material is dynamic, and it proves to be a powerful means to develop an abstract and “informal” aesthetic, in order to represent a strong expressiveness, as well as the feelings and impressions triggered in the viewer. Moreover, this process helps the viewer to freely interpret the artwork, becoming part of the artist's creative process. Through this methodology, Anna Emilia Misiak probes the energetic and evocative potential of natural matter, completely autonomous, making
it emerge from its support: it becomes the bearer of communication and meaning, as well as representative and expressive effectiveness. The viewer is invited to take a journey into his/her own introspection and deepest emotions.

Art Curator Alessia Perone

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